Dad, mom, I, together we are sports family

Dad, mom, I, together weare sports family.A sports holiday forinternally displaced families and children "Dad, mom, I, together we aresports family" with the support of the Charitable Foundation "ZhinkyPoruch" took place at the site of Universal Sports Complex "SpotrparkHillel". More than 100 people of various ages participated in the event.

Interesting and safetypes of competitions where people with any level of physical fitness couldshow their abilities: table tennis tournament, relay with balls, relay shuttlerun, tug of war, relay with steppes and relay for "strength". Sportsactivities in the form of games not only have a positive effect on health, butalso fulfill our main goal - the socialization of children and their parentsthrough sports. All participants were awarded with prizes and gifts.

All participants wereawarded with prizes and gifts. Of course, the little ones were the happiest,along with their parents.