If you want to implement initiatives to support people with us, we will be pleased to cooperate.
The protocols of early rehabilitation of patients, which are used in the work of the "Artromed" Medical Rehabilitation Center, allow working with patients from the first days after an injury or surgery.
Together with the Odesa City Center for StressResistance, a cycle of rehabilitation specialist training was implemented
Humanitarian aid forinternally displaced persons (IDPs) who were forced to leave their homes due tothe military aggression of russia. These people have been through difficulttimes, and we are working to provide them with the resources and support theyneed during the adjustment period. Assistance was also provided to the familiesof the Armed Forces of Ukraine who needed assistance.
Sport is a way ofgeneral improvement, self-realization and revealing the potential of your body.Classes with professional trainers and an individual approach are an importantcomponent of general rehabilitation. Therefore, every Monday, Wednesday andFriday, together with the professional team of Grigo Gym, free trainingsessions are held for everyone.
A sports holiday forinternally displaced families and children "Dad, mom, I, together we aresports family" with the support of the Charitable Foundation "ZhinkyPoruch" took place at the site of Universal Sports Complex "SpotrparkHillel". More than 100 people of various ages participated in the event.
The New Year's quest"Harry Potter". The holiday was aimed at supporting children from thefamilies of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and temporarily displacedpersons and was full of cheerful laughter and gifts.
A bright celebrationtook place on the territory of the Lutheran Church for children from familiesof internally displaced persons who were forced to leave their homes due tomilitary operations and are currently in Odesa.