Modern trends show thatthe combination of medical and social rehabilitation (art therapy activities,etc.) allows to better create conditions for a person's return to a peacefullife and relieve stress. Familyrehabilitation of our soldiers, who need more qualitative and innovativeapproaches, by attending cultural events, provides an opportunity to relievestress and adapt in social life.
Cultural and tourism events allow to ensure asimple, more painless transition of a person from wartime to peacetime. Suchexperience exists in the United States of America and Israel. That is why,together with the UNION International Cultural Center, we introduced a cycle ofevents related to the combination of medical and social rehabilitation: thatis, a person receives medical rehabilitation assistance for part of the day, andthe other part of the day is spent in an artistic format: he orshe attends cultural events, participates in master classes, etc. There is alot of evidence that it actually works.
The result of thisproject was the creation and practical testing of the mechanism of socialsupport for children of veterans and fallen soldiers with the help of variousmeans of art therapy.Each culturalinstitution can join and offer a format during which veterans, together withtheir families, can rest and receive non-medical (social) rehabilitationservices.
Now is not an easyperiod for everyone, but we are looking for any solutions, tools, mechanisms tonot only help, but also to develop the cultural industry as a whole.